The EDC Interview series continues as we caught hold of Canadian duo Adventure Club right before their performance at the kineticFIELD stage.

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Montreal based producers Adventure Club, comprising of Christian Srigley & Leighton James,  have been creating quite a stir in the electronic music scene with their catchy, yet unique, electronic sound for the past one year. Their fusion of dub & electric has got everybody’s heads turning, and directly contributed to their growing popularity. Here’s the short chat we had with them:

Hey guys! We’re interested to know, How did you’ll get together?

We actually went to High school together, and we were in a band in high school. We fooled around with genres. We took all of our favorite bands (that were rock genre) and remixed them with EDM music. That’s where it all began.


If you had to get married at a festival, Which one would it be? 

Christian: I would definitely get married at Coachella to Lana Del Rey.

Leighton: And I would get married At Burning Man, Watching Ellie Goulding.

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What’s your view on Dance music in India? When do you’ll plan to come? Everyone is eagerly waiting for you’ll to come!

We haven’t been there yet, But we’ve heard that the EDM scene in India is growing rapidly. Infact, we’re planning to come sometime this year. We’re in awe of the vast culture. We’re hoping to come real soon!


Do you guys remix on the spot?

Leighton: Yeah, we definitely remix on the spot. Every show, but it depends on the crowd.

Christian: We don’t prerecord anything…

Leighton: We don’t pop in the CD…

Christian: Unplug the mixer, pop in the CD! [we all laugh]

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If you guys had to master another kind of music, which would it be?

Christian: Definitely Blues!


A festival you would consider being sober at?

Both of us are sober whenever we play, Including right now. *laughs*

We’re sober at all festivals, however, if I HAD to pick one particular festival, it would be Lollapalooza.


What programs do you use to create?

Christian: Something called Sonar Cakewalk producer.

Leighton: If you’re in the EDM scene you probably wouldn’t know about it. A lot of other producers will come up to us and be like “What do you use?” and we’ll say “Sonar Cakewalk” and they’ll just be like “What the FUCK is that?!” They’ll have the deer in the headlights look– no one really uses it for EDM, it’s mostly for band-oriented tracks, which is what we used to record on.

Christian: It’s just a live recording, like how a recording studio records. It’s not as simple as some of the other ones, but it’s what we were doing when we were in the band.