London’s O2 Arena, Wembley and O2 Academy Brixton lead the movement against the menacingly popular selfie prop 

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In an effort to curb the growing reputation of the annoyingly popular camera stick at festivals, UK’s top indoor venues have taken a stand and decided to ban the item inside their premises. A Wembley SSE Arena spokesperson said,

” The sticks might mean you are refused entry to the venue. so our advice is don’t bring them and stick with the tried and tested use of an arm”

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The telescopic rods provide a bird’s eye view of your selfie, and are a great way to capture your favorite moments from a slightly better, elevated position. Nonetheless, things are getting a bit out of hand, and the fine line between ‘use’ and ‘abuse’ is being dangerously treaded upon. UK’s top indoor music festival venues are fed up with the prop as they obstruct the view of of bystanders who are actually there to experience a performance live, instead of wanting to relive it on a mobile screen later.

So maybe not a very bad idea after all, eh? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

(Cover Image Courtesy: