Looks like the ol’ party prince has still got it in him.

Dressed in very sober garb – a pork pie hat and a pair of sunglasses, Prince Harry mingled with the 20,000 something crowd at everyone’s favourite boutique festival – The Secret Garden Party in Cambridgeshire, last weekend. We’re glad to know the Prince’s partying days are not completely behind him, we’ve been a bit too bored with his under the radar discretion of late, to be honest.

The Prince was also allegedly spotted ripping off his shirt and “partying topless” at the festival, much like everyone else at the festival. A few photos of  him topless were doing the rounds on social media, but have since been taken down (only to reappear on the website of EntertainmentWise). Never a bad time to spot some Royal Abs, eh?


Via : Entertaintmentwise