The largest arts festival in the world, The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is all kinds of spectacular. The month of August in Edinburgh, Scotland every year is a riot of colour and creative expression. With over 3,193 shows from 51 countries in 299 venues, it’s one of those things that simply cannot fail to amaze year after year. This time has been no different, with larger-than-life installations, shows and performances that have both pleased aesthetically and tickled brains.

Here are some pictures that perfectly encapsulate the brilliance of The Edinburgh Festival Fringe, 2015.


1. Opening with The Harmonium Project

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2. French acrobatic group La Meute stun with an exhibition of Russian swing circus

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3. A “human discoball” by the Italian group Discoteque Machine

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4. Breaking free of the hangups and restrictions of modern life, Alchemist Theatre Company’s Liberation

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5. “The Encounter” – A trippy aural adventure

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6.”No spandex frills, just muscular thrills”: Circa


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7. Chicken at the Roundabout – A dystopian comic future

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8. Trapeze off the George IV Bridge (without safety lines or nets!)


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9. My Beautiful Black Dog – A musical about depression

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10. Some brilliant sketch comedy – Massive Dad

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11. Emily Wachter in Stef Smith’s Swallow at Traverse Theatre


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12. “Living for the weekend” – Jim Cartwright’s RAZ

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13. Examining attitudes to poverty with theatre company PIT’s Down and Out in Paris and London

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14. Sian Reese-Williams and Abdul Salis in The Human Ear at The Roundabout

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15. The Solid Life of Sugar Water – sexual healing in bedroom battleground

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