They say, music at best, soothes everything. And for once, even the memories of war. Carrying that sentiment to heart is the Akampa Festival scheduled to take place in Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh during the first three days of May.

Over the last few weeks, The Sherp has been visibly excited at discovering festivals actively doing their bit for alternative music in the North East. Adding its name to the list is the Akampa Festival, a gathering that brings together music, adventure sports, outdoor camping, local art workshops and more. And all this while you gaze at Tawang’s beautiful landscape in the distance.

With Su Real, EZ Riser and StarLab as the announced headliners of the festival, the organisers also promise a taste of local culture by infusing tribal sounds with electronic music. This combined with the infusion of local arts, and you have a festival giving you travel experience like never before. Brought to you by Alchemy, this festival in its third year will be heading to the 1962 Indi-China war battlefield in Chuje Maythang, Tawang.




(images courtesy: Akampa Fest)