The South Florida music, art & technology festival continues to unite creative communities while providing a unique sensory experience in the heart of Wynwood.
While the beginning of fall marked the end of the festival season for most places in the USA, Miami showed no sign of slowing down as III Points festival celebrated its fifth gathering. III Points festival shifted the summer-time action from Miami’s famed South Beach to its massive 100,000 square foot warehouse complex in Wynwood. The modern, post-industrial aesthetic at Wynwood was the perfect place to showcase cutting-edge musicians along with immersive installations. With its eclectic blend of music and focus upon immersive technology, III Points has steadily grown to become one of the most intriguing festivals on the East Coast.
The complete musical lineup for III Points

This year, III Points also unveiled the Ditter Stage which showcased great experimental music by local talent. The festival’s onsite venues the White Dragon and Door IV were curated by iconic Chicago label Teklife, legendary local venue Electric Pickle. It was heartwarming to see an excellent turnout at III Points, with tickets selling out despite the wrath caused by Hurricane Irma which struck Miami recently. III Points has been successful in creating a platform that showcasing international and Miami-based music acts, along with innovators and dreamers that are transforming the community.
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith performing at the Main Frame stage.

Image Credit: Adinayev
Follow III Points on Facebook here to find out about their upcoming events.