From learning how to make hallucinogens at home to surviving the zombie apocalypse, these festivals teach you the craziest skills!
If you thought festivals were only about getting drunk and missing your favourite bands, think again! Festivals can be an enriching experience that lets you learn new things and yes, even skills. Partake in some alternative knowledge that you might or might not need ever in your life, but hey at least it’s fun!
Edmonton Resilience Festival

If you have ever wondered how your puny self is gonna survive in a zombie apocalypse, you should definitely head to the Edmonton Resilience Festival. Be it beekeeping, permaculture, wool dyeing or dancing, the Canadian city of Edmonton is home to many people who want to teach their neighbours skills that might just help them survive life after the dead rise, or after a natural disaster. These skills and more are usually demonstrated in a series of workshops at the festival. That’s why the workshops range from ‘How preparing for zombies might save your life’ to hula hoop dancing and pressing apple cider.
How-to-in-10 Festival

The festivals describe themselves as ‘an entertaining and education symposium where participants can learn a variety of new and useful skills in breezy 10-minute intervals. We all love to learn new things, and this festival makes it fun, easy and free!’ A broad range of community partners come together to share their knowledge and expertise. The festival is usually held in public libraries across the state of Massachusetts Guests that have their event passport stamped by 10 or more stations throughout the day stand to win a mysterious gift at the end of the day! The short courses are on topics like ‘How to contour your face’, ‘grow a flower tower’, Choose apples for eating or baking’ and of course, ‘How to tie knots’. Fascinating.

The site introduces the amazing workshops at the festival with the following words:
‘Grab some pens and birch bark and get ready to take some notes during this year’s workshop line up!’
As the name suggests, the YogaFest focuses mainly on the many benefits that yoga has on the for the human body. Same goes for their workshops. This year they have Angela Johnson taking up a class on how to achieve Sustainability from the Inside-Out where she talks about making peace with self, community, and the earth. Other workshops included are Bob Bedard talking about the Yoga of Happiness and Intro to Core Energetics by Jeremy Fulwiler.
Moutain Music Festival

It’s never too late to learn and the people over at Mountain Music Festival sure keep that in mind when it comes to making the festival experience more enriching. Their workshops and clinics are designed for our fans to take an interest in something that could last a lifetime, or at least until the end of the summer. The Live Visual Artist Tent has artists creating insane painting right in front of your eyes, teaching and imparting tips along the way as well. Other workshops include learning how to ‘hoop jam’ or trying out poi spinning.
What The Festival

What The Festival should get an award for the wildest workshops ever. Have you ever wondered if you can grow mushrooms (yes, the other kind) on old wood? Because they have a workshop for that. Maybe you wanted sex tips from a unicorn hand puppet? They’ve got a class being held by one! They also have workshops to help you find out who your spirit animal is. Yes. This is where you can truly goes crazy.