Timothy J. Harden was volunteering at the Souper Groove Music Festival when experienced a medical or psychiatric episode, following which he died from apparent “excessive and unreasonable physical force” used by police.

One of the most mysterious death investigations at a music festival is that of 38-year-old, Timothy J. Harden, a construction worker who was volunteering at the Souper Groove Music Festival in September, 2015. According to court papers, Timothy suffered a “medical or psychiatric episode” that caused him to become agitated, following which the organisers called police authorities. What ensued was a scrimmage with the cops and Timothy breathed his last at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.

Source: obrienfuneralhome.com

On hearing of the incident, Timothy’s sisters and near family filed a suit against the authorities, in which it was stated that Timothy’s death was due to “excessive and unreasonable physical force” used by police forces and private security guards. It is reported that Timothy was beaten and choked to death and had a thyroid cartilage fracture, bruises, and constitutions to show for it.

The family has finally accepted a compensation of $350K and agreed to settle the suit.

News Source: I & II