UK music festivals restate zero tolerance to sexual assault with new ‘Safer Spaces’ campaign!
At 9 am on Monday May 8th, more than 25 UK music festivals, including Bestival, Boomtown Fair, End of the Road, Parklife and Secret Garden Party will “blackout” their websites for 24 hours as part of a new initiative to promote an increased awareness of on-site support services available to victims of sexual assault at festivals.

Credits :
Safer Spaces campaign is the brainchild of the Association of Independent Festivals. The AIF represents more than 60 UK events that are attended by over 500,000 people each year. Founded in 2008 by Rob Da Bank (Bestival) and his manager Ben Turner (Graphite Media), the organization has a long campaigning history, leading on issues ranging from awareness of legal highs to greater accessibility for Deaf and disabled audiences.
Bestival founder Rob Da Bank said: “Festivals can be crazy spaces and we’re proud that they’re places to let off steam – but there are limits and rules, as there are in general society. It’s a positive message and not a scary one. Everyone should be able to go to festivals and enjoy them.”

More than 60 members of AIF have signed up to a charter of ‘best practice’. The initiative is backed by Rape Crisis England & Wales, Girls Against and Safe Gigs For Women. According to Rape Crisis England & Wales, more than half a million adults are sexually assaulted in England and Wales each year. Approximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped. Only 15% of those who experience sexual violence choose to report it to the police.
Festival organisers will be promoting safety messages online and will sign a new declaration to commit staff and volunteer training on issues related to sexual violence while providing a clear welfare provision for victims.
As part of the campaign, they will also share a short eye-catching animation over social media with the hashtag #saferspacesatfestivals, encouraging festival-goers to play an active role in promoting safety, with three key messages:
- Zero Tolerance to Sexual Assault
- Hands Off Unless Consent
- Don’t Be a Bystander
You can check out the GIF here!
You can also check out AIF’s website here for more details!