Hipster Level 5000?

Way Out West is this fantastic little festival set in a park in Gothenburg, Sweden. For those of you who don’t already know, the festival has been around since 2007 and has been host to some of the best and brightest artist in pop, rock and hip-hop.  This year’s roster was pretty freakin’ incredible as well –  Outkast, Röyksopp & Robyn, Queens of The Stone Age, The National, Janelle Monáe, Motörhead, Neutral Milk Hotel among many other performed.

Interestingly enough, the festival also had a pretty cool service to offer to those who were in desperate need for some facial – hair grooming. But if you want to give yourself beard a last minute straitening then DapperMane can just be the right solution.

Yup, it had an onsite barber shop!


Also,  a tumblr-tastic gif making booth.
Gif Booths

And of course, lots of Vinyl records to buy.
Vinyl shopping

All that was missing? Cats.

Oh well, maybe next time.