Festivals are very odd places and at times can be outside the realm of ordinary life. During festivals, we find ourselves doing things that we would normally never consider.
1. Spending three days with people you just met like its the most normal thing on earth.
Sure they could be psychopaths but at least they like the same music as you!
2. When clothes either matter, or don’t.
Whether you’re wearing the same clothes for two days straight or decking yourself in the most festival-y gear you have (meaning glow bands, body glitter, feathers and weather inappropriate clothing), it’s all fair game at a festival.
3. Having beer for lunch, dinner and breakfast. (and maybe a little snack in between)
Everyone knows festivals are a time to let go. So why hold back? Ingesting yourself with copious amounts of alcohol is just one way of saying how much you love the music.
4. Then passing out on the lawns. Or anywhere, for that matter.
It’s not your fault that the grass looked so comfortable! ‘Chill guys I am just resting here in my own vomit’. Yeah, we have all been there.
5. Cry fitfully about any acts that you missed!
So you came all this way to see your Nucleya perform but were too hungover to reach on time. Why do bad things happen to good people?
6. Accepting those tents as anything close to shelter.
Normally you cant live without your AC but if you are attending a pretty long festival and decide to rent one of those festival tents, please know that it’s not going to be very accommodating of your…needs. Tents are pretty cramped and what makes it worse is if you’re sharing it with someone. Also the fact that it seems to grow smaller and your luggage bigger as days go by does NOT help.
7. Document everything on social media.
After all, you have to make sure that everybody is aware of the fact that you are having an AMAZING time. Also, it lets you find out if anyone else may be attending the same fest which means company which basically means more parties to go to. Yay.
8. Making…special bonds with a few.
One of the most distinguishing features of a festival is the amount of new people you’re going to be meeting. It’s a lot of fun and if you’re single, you might even meet someone special and have a very..err, good time with them. For a lot of people all over the world, festival romances have continued later on as well.
9. The dancing-like-there-is-no-tomorrow dancing.
Festival time blesses us with weird energy we cannot summon in regular life. Stepped out of your house once already today? Definitely too much work for the day. But during festivals, it’s another story. Why, dancing till four in the morning and then getting up the next day for the pre-pre-pre after party is totally doable, no?
10. The. Music.
Only in a festival can you exposed to such diverse genres of music. Whether it is the fresh acts you check out or the new people you meet, you will find out about about new music no matter what. Its a chance to meet new people who like the same kind of music as you do. And isn’t that one of the most beautiful parts about a festival? We surely think so.
Did we miss many? Let The Sherp know in the comments!