Festival season is here and that means it is time to let people know how much fun you are having! #StayWoke
Instagram is the divine gift we are lucky to enjoy. It’s so usefulĀ for important things like lettingĀ people know how delicious the ice cream you’re having looks and what your #OOTD is. Absolutely vital stuff. And during festival season, it happens to be the only tool we can convey our festival experiences to the world!
So here is your ultimate guide to having the perfect festival Instagram this season. This also helps you increase your real Instagram followers.
1. Mandatory picture of your festival pass/wristband.
Let this be your basicĀ announcement about your impending festival adventure to the world. It’s the perfect way of giving everyone FOMO. And your mom thought you could never do anything!

(Credits: pinterest.com)
2. Make sure you get the headliners…in the background!
Nothing says fun like a picture of you looking fabulous…with the headliners somewhere in the background! Everyone knows that is what they are there for. This way, everyone can know how on point you looked when they played.

(Credits: techtimes.com)
3. Flower Crowns
Let them Snapchat filters know how to sport an authentic flower crown being the festival queen that you are! Don’t you believe anyone who says they went out of style all the way back in 2015 and anyone who still wears them has issues. You keep doing you.

(By giphy.com)
4. Selfies
Selfies are a mark of your independence ‘cos you don’t need no one to take your pictures for you. They let you be in control of how hot you look. The most important part of your festival experience is that you ensure you have multiple #candid pictures of you doing absolutely nothing and still looking great!

(By giphy.com)
5. Clothes
It gets a little difficult to hear music if you aren’t wearing this year’s spring collection and we completely understand that. Also, how else can you look good? It doesn’t matter if your festival shopping cost more than the ticket, it’s all for a good cause!
6. Captioning your way to friendship goals
How else will your friends know you love them if you don’t caption every single picture with #BestieLove and #ForLife? It’s cute and even better if caption it with inside jokes no one else will get!

(By giphy.com)
Tip for the boys: Remember to add #NoHomo as well. We don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about your pure friendship now, do we?
Well, now that we are talking about friends…
7. Captioning the picture taken with strangers you met 3 hours ago as ‘#Squad’
So what if you lost your friends 15 minutes into the festival? You still need people to take pictures with!Ā So it’s completely okay to make friends with random strangers around you for the sake of your Instagram followers. They just want you to have fun, after all!

(Credits: edmmaniac.com)
8. Embracing festival romance
Going to a festival with a significant other is like a jackpot for Insta popularity. People LOVE looking at pictures of you and your spouse almost making out in your festival regalia! Make sure you post at least one #FollowMeTo post per day, as those are very popular, we hear.

(Credits: instacelebs.net)
9.Ā Getting your filters right
It’s a task now, isn’t it? Well don’t worry, we got this covered too! As complicated as it is, getting your filters game on is pretty easy. Posing with your boyfriend with the sun setting behind you? Make use of the B&W to make up for the lack of enthusiasm on both your faces! Also do not be afraid to pull out all the big guns when it comes to a group picture! Layer on the Valencia generously to cover up for the fact that it was only the 847th picture taken.

(Credits: www.pinterest.com)
And finally…
10. The throwbacks
The festival might have been fun, but there is absolutely no point to it if you do not regularly post #throwbacks. It doesn’t matter if it has just been 3 days since you have been back, you can still post a terribly grainy video of that gig you hardly paid attention to and caption it #TakeMeBack.

(By giphy.com)