In a heartwarming moment between two friends, a girl helps her deaf friend with the lyrics to a Gareth Emery song

tomorrw(Image Courtesy: TomorrowWorld Facebook)

All over the internet, we see over concerned people sharing their views on the electronic music industry, and it’s impact on today’s musical culture. We see how the whole ‘Peace Love Unity Respect’ vibe around EDM annoys most people who claim to have a more ‘musically advanced’ taste than others.

But there are some moments that you experience at an electronic music festival that truly cannot be explained in words. The power of music bridges all gaps and activates hidden senses within you. Recently, something magical happened at TomorrowWorld. Watch it here:

The track playing in the back is Gareth Emery’s “U”, sung by the stunning voice of Bo Bruce. This gesture has truly made The Sherp’s day.

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