Yes, she fell in love. And then, she fell off the stage!

EDM concerts offer a lot of entertainment other than just rave-worthy music! We have heard so many stories about people getting engaged and even married at their favourite music festivals, but this one is a bit different in its entirety!

In front of 20,000 fans, when this girl got proposed to by the love of her life at DJ Crizzly’s show, she was so elated that she fell into a gap in the stage! DJ Crizzly shared the video on his Facebook page.

Jeff Jackson asked DJ Crizzly at his gig, in Texas, if he could invite his gorgeous girlfriend on the stage and propose to her. Endyugi Soedarsono joined her boyfriend on the stage and while he was just getting prepared to go on his knees, Endyugi took a step back and fell.

DJ Crizzly later took to Facebook to explain that she was alright.

Jack Jefferson posted on Facebook: “Got the DJ to let me propose to Endyugi Soedarsono in front of about 20,000 people. It was an amazing night to say the least.” Miss Soedarsono replied in the comments: “So embarrassing, hahaha, I’m okay tho… still in shock….. but he did good! Hehe.”

We are just happy that Miss Soedarsono was okay and came back to the stage to say YES! Another love story was facilitated by an EDM concert, but we hope they don’t literally keep falling for each other in the futureCongratulations!