Whether you’re replacing an old Samsung TV or adding a new one to your home, choosing the best Samsung TV can be overwhelming. There are so many options and so many different user manual guides out there that it’s hard to know what information to trust and what will really help you find the right model for your needs.

These five tips will give you an idea of what to look for in a Samsung TV, as well as some pointers on things you might not have thought about when comparing brands and models.

1) Read user manual

The Samsung manual is intended to be used as a guide for how to use your new Samsung TV, but it can also provide useful tips that may help you choose which model is best for you. There are several things to consider when choosing a new television, including: screen size and image quality, resolution/refresh rate, HDMI ports, smart features (Wi-Fi or internet capability), and so on. If you do not have a manual then download it on any online website like manualsnet free of cost.

Reading through your user manual will give you an idea of what features come with your model of Samsung. This will allow you to weigh price against performance. For example, if one model costs $500 more than another but has better viewing angles and is less susceptible to glare from lights in your living room, then that’s likely worth it if those qualities matter most to you.


2) Check for certification

When you’re looking for a Samsung TV, be sure to check for certification from Consumer Reports or CNET; that way, you know you’re getting what you pay for. Don’t be too swayed by celebrity endorsements or super-cheap prices; some companies are only out to make a quick buck and will do so by cutting corners on everything from build quality to performance.

When it comes time to buy your new Samsung LED HDTV, remember that one size doesn’t fit all. Knowing how, when and where your Samsung LED HDTV will be used is crucial when it comes time to choose between models with different sets of features.

3) Find out if it supports your favourite apps

Many TV apps such as Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Video are available on a range of devices. Before buying a new Samsung TV, find out if your favourite apps are supported on that specific device. Also make sure you know which input methods work best for each app so you don’t have to buy an external remote or get up from your seat every time you want to watch something.

Some smart TVs have swappable remotes with voice support that can control many functions at once. If you’d rather not use voice commands to select video options, look for remotes with large buttons that are easy to read from across a room.

Samsung TVs usually come with Bluetooth capability built in; it’s just a matter of whether or not those features will be useful to you and how many features they support by default.


4) Is it easy to use?

Rather than just settling for whatever television is on display, research several models in person and at home. Many consumers are turned off by shopping for televisions due to high sales tactics and pushy store employees.

The good news is that you can be informed without being an expert. For example, you should know how big of a screen size you want as well as what type of viewing distance will work best for your setup. By knowing these simple facts ahead of time, you’ll never have to worry about walking into a store unprepared.

Before leaving your house, it’s also a good idea to compare online prices with what’s available at brick-and-mortar locations so that you know whether or not you’re getting a great deal.

5) Go from store to home

Be sure you’re viewing each television in a store with similar lighting and viewing conditions as your home. A bright, sunny day isn’t exactly like your living room at night, so take that into account when testing out a new set.

Also pay attention to how you’ll be using it; if you watch a lot of movies, look for TVs with wide-angle viewing angles that won’t distort faces and bodies (this is especially important if multiple people will be watching). If you mostly watch streaming video and cable shows, consider edge-lit LED panels that provide more uniform backlighting—but also pay attention to screen uniformity for deeper blacks.