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Minecraft End Update Features That Will Make The Game Awesome!

The Minecon live 2021 is just around the corner and we’re pretty sure that we might get an update because of several reasons. You can read them here – Minecraft 1.19 Update will be the End Update, Confirmed!. That being said, we can be totally wrong. If the minecon trailer was just for fun and didn’t contain serious hints. Regardless of the update. We would like to show you the best features that would make the end update the best one ever!

Minecraft End Update Features

Tamable dragon!

The moment you defeat the ender dragon, you get the dragon egg as a reward. Bt what use is this dragon head to you except for cosmetic purposes? We think the devs had something in mind when they added the egg. Maybe it will finally spawn a dragon in the end update which can be used to ride in the overworld, wouldn’t that be great!

Unlocking a new world/mode!

If you’ve played terraria you’ll know this feature. Once the end dimension is done, the game ends, but this doesn’t have to be that way, there is so much potential in Minecraft. So maybe after you defeat the dragon, a new mode, a harder mode starts, and new bosses arrive. The same happens in terraria and it’s awesome!

New dimensions!

The Mojang deVs made it very clear that they won’t work on new dimensions until they finish updating every old feature of the game. So now that the end will be the last feature that will need an update, the devs can finally work on something new! And new dimensions is the most ambitious yet most exciting idea out there.

And we know for a fact they have this in mind because they hired KingBdogz. which if you don’t know, is the creator of the Aether dimension mod. We know some of these ideas are really out there, but you never know what Minecraft End Update Features might be!

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