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Why Did Arctic Monkeys Agree To Do This Interview?

This woman needs to stop interviewing people.


To think that Arctic Monkeys had to endure this before they went on to perform at Lollapalooza, the poor chaps. The interview was conducted by Kennedy from iHeartRadio, who had a similar interview with Major Lazer at last year’s Lollapalooza. Awkward, cocky and borderline inappropriate.

Vocalist Alex Turner and drummer Matt Helders had to answer some strange and inconsequential questions about what their favourite adjectives are while Kennedy went on to explain the obvious differences between the words ‘cognizant’ and ‘incognizant’. When she finally gets past the grammar lesson – she starts asking about cotton candy and what they think their penises taste like.The band members try their best to look interested, but after a point they looked like they’d rather kill themselves than be there answering her inane questions. Her efforts at being the cool & quirky interviewer just came off as cocky and awkward.

We are aware this could be a troll interview (especially since she’s done this in the past), but the fact of the matter is that it isn’t even funny.  So i guess the joke’s on her?