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The gaming industry in 2040, what will gaming be like in 20 years!

The technological revolution which was catalyzed by the internet boom in the 1990s has evolved into something so much better than its predecessors. This caused massive improvements in graphics and hardware in the gaming industry, this makes us wonder what will the gaming industry be like in 2040?

Don’t worry we got you covered, we went through all the recent developments and research that is ongoing and will shape the gaming industry in the coming decades

Console Wars will be over

This might sound really bizarre, as most of the revenue generated from gaming comes from consoles. But it will start making sense when you hear about cloud gaming. You might’ve already heard of cloud gaming, where we can play anywhere on any device without worrying about the hardware.

Companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have seen the potential of gaming and are heavily investing in it. Google launched its cloud gaming platform known as STADIA, Xbox too came out with their service.

Its only a matter of time, and we”ll see our favorite consoles seize to exist

VR and AR

Virtual reality has come a long way since its inception and has seen many improvements. It is no longer just a fad that some nerdy gamers enjoy. The improvement in graphics and cloud gaming will keep improving VR.

And not just VR, many games will pop up taking advantage of these features to produce great AR games. Just imagine playing Dungeons & Dragons with real-life combat and effects.

Photorealistic Graphics

This was an easy guess, the graphics in every game have only improved. Just take a look at games that were released a decade ago and you’ll see the difference.

Many new types of research in AI and Deep learning have created algorithms that literally mimic real lofe physics and daylight cycles! Not just that these algorithms can be used to make NPC’s which have their own will!

As the industry keeps evolving the better games and equipment will be available to us. Many companies are already making gear that was only thought of in Sci-Fi. The gaming industry generates almost $200 billion every year and it is only going to keep increasing!

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