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SEO Practices to Avoid in 2023

A number of SEO tactics should be avoided throughout a website’s design and optimization process since they may harm its indexing, ranking, or, in the worst case, punish it by eliminating it from search results pages. Let’s examine in more detail certain SEO faux pas and bad habits that you should steer clear of during your search engine optimization plan.

Today, when creating content for the web, whoever has the responsibility of creating the specific strategy must necessarily consider not only the keywords but also the search intent, the correct strategies, and approaches.

Link bombing, also known as Link spamdexing or Link farming, is an automated and unnatural link-building practice that uses the same anchor text to spread links to a website around the internet.

When spam links are generated from websites that are off-topic or different in nature and theme from the target site, it becomes more convincing evidence that the links are being generated with the intention of artificially manipulating a website’s positioning. For this reason, it is crucial that you hire Figment Agency, which is an expert SEO company and can help you get around this issue.


It is actually possible to tell if a request is coming from a human user or a spider using server-side scripting languages and therefore deliver different content. An example of how to utilize this strategy is to show the user who made the request an entirely different piece of material while the search engine spider is shown an optimized piece of content. When Google discovers a practice it does not approve of, it immediately removes it from its index.

Shadow Domain

The Shadow domain is a black hat SEO tactic that should also be avoided because it could result in severe penalties if a search engine spider finds it. It entails taking advantage of the importance that Google gives to a shadow domain registered deliberately to drive traffic to it.

Traffic that is snagged by optimized search terms is sent to a different website that is often less relevant and shares many of the same contents as the primary domain. The term “mirror domain” is another name for the method.

Duplicated Materials

The release of the Panda Google algorithm update has prohibited the usage of a tactic that was previously highly common on the not-too-distant web: content duplication. But even now, making this mistake is extremely easy.

Here are some instances of duplicate material that could harm your website:

Even if the search engine’s implementation of penalties in this situation is uncertain, many e-Commerce, including significant ones, use this standard technique.

Nested Tables

The excessive use of nested HTML tables on a web page is one of the most typical SEO mistakes to avoid. Their use complicates and adds weight to page structures, which makes it more difficult for spiders to recognize contents for indexing. It is advised to use HTML DIV and CSS elements together to create simple, lean HTML pages.

Iframe Usage

You can incorporate external material from one page within another using an Iframe. In some situations, it is a very useful tool, yet it is also viewed as an outdated technology. Furthermore, because it is considered external content on a different page, its use does not facilitate crawling by the search engine spider. Therefore, it is advised to use more up-to-date technology, such as HTML5, or quick and easy HTML structures to include items on the page.

Using Automated Redirects Improperly

You may be faced with penalties if automatic redirections are misused or used excessively. Use 301 or 302 redirects only if absolutely essential. Therefore, refrain from employing a refresh meta tag or Javascript redirection.


Today, when creating content for the web, whoever has the responsibility of creating the SEO strategy must necessarily consider not only the keywords but also the search intent, the correct strategies, and approaches. Make the most of all the possibilities available to clarify to the algorithm that your content is the one that best satisfies the specific intent. You and your team need to be very careful about it to avoid penalties and have your website running.