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The Sherp’s Guide To Festival Hopping On A Budget

Eager to attend a festival, but are finding yourself with a sparsely filled wallet? The Sherp is here to help you plan out an in-budget festival experience.

If you’re chalking out festival ticket trends, the large festivals can charge you anywhere between $150-250 for just the entry. And that excludes camping, the ridiculously expensive food and drinks available, plus all the expenditure you’re bludgeoned into due to sheer peer pressure. If these are the reasons stopping you from attending a festival, then worry not. We have the perfect plan for you.

Etch a budget plan

The first step to heading out for a festival, especially when dealing with severe cash crunch, is realising just how much money you can actually spend. Being pragmatic about your available funds upfront will help save a lot of unnecessary expenditure, not to mention finding yourself point-blank broke on the last leg of the festival. Plus, you can also created a cohesive plan, and allocate your money accordingly.

Choose your Festival

Most festivals cost hundreds of dollars in tickets, but some also happen to provide great lineups at very low rates. Europe, Asia and the United States are brimming with options of festivals that are either free or offer tickets at a ridiculously low rate. So, if it indeed is the music or the lineup taking you to a festival, you can look into several festivals that offer relief for a light pocket. Check out the list we compiled here.

Multiple Paying Options

Many festivals that charge a bomb in festival tickets allow people to pay for the tickets in month installments. This is an option usually reserved if your festival is charging you over $150, and over the last few years has made attending expensive festivals boasting of the most popular artists relatively easier. Paying the money over three verified installments makes sure you have the ticket at a more affordable plan.

Camp Wisely

Over the last few year, more and more festivals are seen ditching city quarters in order to host their festivals in the outdoor, naturally scenic areas. This helps in three ways – 1. The natural beauty, not the festival’s doing, is a natural mood pleaser, 2. Organising the festival becomes a lot easier, without the city’s regular noises acting as a disturbance and 3. You can not only achieve a festival camping spirit, but also make extra money off of it. So if camping is an option you’d like to take up, you can always set up your own tent, rather than book a tent. That will help save a lot of money. Plus, taking along regular, portable home appliances will help save you a ton of purchases that must be discarded later.

Couch-surf, if at all

If the festival you’re vying for is in another city, look up for couch surfing options instead of booking a hotel room. There are various couch-surfing websites where benevolent people offers free to real cheap staying options, in return for some basic work done, and that would not only be a great way to make friends, and meet new people, but also to save on a lot of money.

Stay updated on festival options

Festivals all have varying rules in regards to what you can carry in to the festival premises and what you cannot. Looking into them will help you with your money, even better. Most festivals have water filling stations for the environment and that’s a lot of money saved. Basically, reading up on your preferred festival’s website will do you well.

Give in, but smartly

Just because you’re on a budget is no reason for you to stay devoid of any kind of luxury. Give in, from time to time, because no experience will stand low. Except, make sure you’re getting your money’s worth in return. And that the expense is not fat enough to rid you of all the remaining loose cash. But once in a while, loosen up and have some fun.

(all gif images sourced from: