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SHERP PLAYLIST: The Top Ten Road Trip Songs Of All Time!

We’ve got some of the best songs when it comes to out-of-tune singing!

You cannot have a car filled with people, going for a mini vacation and driving for a few hours without some classic tracks playing through the car stereo! The joy of singing a song at the top of your lungs, leading to the possibility of deafness, cannot be met by anything else. So sit back, relax and warm those vocal chords before tuning in to these jams like Freddie Mercury at a Queen concert!

1. Budapest – George Ezra

Ezra’s gritty yet deep voice accompanied with a foot-tapping guitar is the perfect song to start things off. The melody is at the right place and it’ll get you into the song in no time, with minimal effort too. Plus, you’ll get brownie points if you can sing the continuous O’s without a break!

2. High Way To Hell – AC/DC

Any rock music lover can tell you that this track is essential while driving down the road. The energy in this track is straight up insane with a guitar riff to die for. Clearly, the crowd agrees too!

3. Don’t Stop Believing – Journey

Ah! The track that was drilled into our skulls when it was performed on the TV show ‘Glee’ a million times. Yet, the track is one that is all about hopes and dreams. The song is perfect for your mental health too, since you need to believe that the car ride won’t have a number of pee breaks.

4. We Are the Champions – Queen

How could we not include Queen? In all honesty, all songs by the iconic band can be included in this list. But we’ve chosen this rock ballad. Mercury kills it, but so can you! Scream as loud as you can with this one and we won’t even complain.

5. Wonderwall – Oasis

The Gallagher boys’ troubles led to the downfall in their personal lives as well as the band. This cult song creates a mental picture of you driving in a convertible on an open road and with serious nostalgic vibes. Chills never fail to appear when you sing along to this song.

6. Hit The Road, Jack  – Ray Charles

Charles’ track is smooth and upbeat at the same time. You can hit this one right with background vocals too, or team up with another fellow passenger for a full experience. Fun is guaranteed when you look over and ding the “mean old lady” line to your elder sibling!

7. All Summer Long – Kid Rock

If you didn’t hear this track everywhere in 2008, you’ve been living under a rock. We can’t believe this one is nine years old! It used to be a staple at all house parties back in the day. It’s still a timeless jam that can never be dismissed.

8. Born To Be Wild – Steppenwolf

“Easy Rider” was the movie which is responsible for this rock track and we couldn’t be happier! The raw feel never fails to hit home and you’ll go back wanting to be a cowboy/motor head for the rest of your life.

9. Shut Up And Drive – Rihanna

Don’t you feel a tad bit excited when the vehicle is just a bit on the faster speed? Well, we love fast cars and an even faster heartbeat. Rihanna captures the adrenaline rush perfectly in this drum-heavy track with a simple request to just drive.

10. Hold Back The River – James Bay

James Bay turns into the ultimate bae when you hear his voice. The plus point is that the track is as addictive as his smooth voice. The song is so uplifting, you can’t help but sing in with the man and feel a deeper emotion. *Goosebumps*