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Porter Robinson Says He Wrote Only 11 Songs In His 12 Year Career!

Porter Robinson recently disowned all but these eleven songs!

All the Porter Robinson music that we have listened to, and loved, it turns out he didn’t write most of it and feels that he should receive credit for only the 11 tracks that he wrote. He doesn’t seem so happy with his work and all his fans are offering him immense support.

“This is the canon,” he wrote on his Twitter, listing off a playlist of songs like “Shelter” and “Flicker”, continuing with “I’ve been making music for 12 years and i only wrote 11 songs, wow [sic].”

So far, fans have been supporting his decision and empathizing with him, and some are feeling confused and betrayed. All the music that is not on this list but was released by Porter Robinson is “unofficial” now. Although, his opinion matters the most, but the rest of us see no problems at all, including his die-hard fans. See some of the responses:

and our reaction precisely: