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Out Of Battery At A Festival? Here’s How You Can Charge Your Phone Wirelessly

A new technology designed by Nokia and researchers from the Queen Mary University of London allows you to power your phone when exposed to traffic and street noise, human voices, and most importantly, loud music

Running out of battery when you need it the most is a misery we’ve been living with for all of our grown-up lives. Capturing memories at a festival is something we all indulge in, and one eventually runs out of cell phone battery recording videos and making insta updates on the go. A brilliant solution to this inconvenience looks to have arrived.

(Image Courtesy: Mashable)

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London and researchers at Nokia have built a mobile device that can be refueled by converting everyday background noise, including traffic and music, into electricity. About the size of a Nokia Lumia 925 phone, the device is filled with energy-harvesting ‘nanogenerators’ that can react to sound vibrations and create electricity.

(Image Courtesy: DailyMail)

The team found that when they installed this device in their smartphone prototype, and exposed it to sounds like traffic, human voices, and music, it was able to generate five volts, which is enough to charge a mobile phone. Their prototype device, which is about the size of a mobile phone, uses zinc oxide to convert vibrations caused by sound into electricity.



The final product is still in its nascent stage, and is still a few years away from rolling out on a large scale. But at least there’s good news for the tech-savvy festival-goers who now can look forward to a more fulfilling experience.

(Article Source: Forbes)