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It’s been more than 3 years since the last release in the Pokemon franchise. The last release was Pokemon Sword & Shields in 2019. Read further to know all about Pokemon Generation 9.

There has not been any official confirmation yet by the Pokemon franchise about the release of Generation 9. As per the old release norms in the franchise, the next-gen usually releases every two or three years. While it’s been around three years since Gen 8 of Pokemon was released, fans are anticipating the next release sometime this year.

However, things are not just as simple. Pokemon Legends Arceus was announced by the Game Freak for January, catching the fans off guard. This makes the Gen 9 release later this year slightly difficult unless Game Freak has been working on it for a long time. While Arceus is one ambitious project, it’s everything but Gen 9. Meanwhile, many fans are waiting for the Gen 9, many can’t wrap their head around arceus’ release.

Everything kept aside, generation 9 is definitely the most anticipated project by the fanbase and Game Freak surely knows it. A lot of rumours have been floating around lately suggesting that Game Freak will talk about Gen 9 soon. IGN Editor, Casey DeFreitas also hinted at the announcement regarding the release of Generation 9 in the January 6 NVC podcast. According to her, Game Freak is already working on Pokemon Generation 9 and she expects them to announce its arrival this year itself.
