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How To Eliminate Anxiety From Your Life With The Use of CBD Vape?

Though worry and fear are part of the life that everyone faces daily, when the feelings become overwhelming and don’t go away on their own, they may be the symptom of anxiety disorders.

Anxiety is generally described as a familiar feeling of fear and uneasiness. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America  (ADAA), anxiety disorders are among the most common mental illnesses in the US. Every year around 40 million adults suffer from the ill effects of anxiety, i.e., approximately 18% of the American population. While anxiety issues are largely treatable yet only around 37% of people opt for treatment every year. It is due to the many stigmas associated with the disorder. Moreover, the side effects of anti-anxiety medications may be another factor. These side effects include dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and irritability. It may further cause sexual problems like erectile dysfunction.

However, there are alternative ways to treat anxiety disorders. Natural compounds such as cannabidiol (CBD) are among them. CBD is a compound present in high quantities in the cannabis plant. The compound has some health benefits due to its origin in the cannabis plant. While the compound comes from the cannabis plant, it doesn’t produce a ‘high’ sensation. The health benefits of CBD include but are not limited to relief from anxiety and chronic pain. CBD comes in many different products; oils and CBD Vape Pen are top-rated these days. There are two categories of CBD vapes: disposable vape pens, and non-disposables. Disposable CBD vape pens have everything required for vaping inside them. However, it can’t be refilled once the content inside it is finished.

Compared to other CBD products, vape pens are more stylish and powerful. It is the quickest method to experience the consequences of CBD for users having anxiety disorders. As a user inhales the vapor heated inside the pen, the vapor directly reaches the lung’s surface. At the lung surface, diffusion takes place, and the effects of CBD kick in.

The bioavailability factor is also highest in vaping, due to which even a low amount of CBD can give a powerful effect. This is why experts suggest not taking more than 2-3 puffs of CBD vape pens.

Can vaping CBD help with anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders could be of various types, such as Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), Social anxiety disorder (SAD), and Panic disorders. Evidence suggests CBD may help with these types of anxiety disorders.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), CBD can reduce stress in animals like rats with GAD. Moreover, CBD can also lower the behavioral and physiological signs of anxiety in subjects with GAD. Vaping CBD is also beneficial in other forms of anxiety such as SAD and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

In a 2011 study on patients with SAD, it was found that an oral dose of 400 milligrams (mg) of CBD can reduce overall anxiety levels. Furthermore, the subjects with CBD dosage also performed better in the simulated public speaking test. Similarly, a 2015 review of 49 collective studies suggests CBD may help with most anxiety disorders such as SAD, PTSD, GAD, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

A small study in 2019 found that using CBD to treat PTSD can give excellent results by lowering the symptoms. The symptoms of PTSD include nightmares, insomnia, and self-destructive behavior.

In another study in 2019 on people with anxiety and sleep, it was found that CBD usage improved the conditions of 80% of anxiety patients. The sleep quality also improved in 70% of patients.

While the effects of CBD on anxiety patients are primarily positive, a 2017 study doesn’t get any improvement in anxiety and paranoia. Instead, the dosages increased pressure on some people. However, it may be due to a CBD allergy or something else.

How does CBD work in anxiety?

The standard working mechanism of CBD involves interaction with the cannabinoid receptors from the human endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is a unique regulatory pathway that involves different neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

These receptors are primarily present around the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). However, the exact working pathway of CB1 receptors isn’t fully understood yet. Though experts believe it may alter the serotonin signals. Serotonin helps regulate mood, sleep, digestion, and behavior. Research suggests that increasing serotonin levels may help treat anxiety. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a very crucial function in mental health. Low serotonin level is often associated with people suffering from depression and anxiety.

There are many conventional medications available to treat low serotonin conditions. These medications are mainly available with a prescription. However, some people with not so severe anxiety may manage their needs with CBD vape pens instead of medications. 

CBD vape dosage for anxiety:

Though CBD is well-tolerated even in high quantities due to the high number of ECS receptors, yet, according to the food and standards agency (FSA), a user shouldn’t take more than 70mg of CBD a day. While it’s easier to measure the dosage in CBD oils and capsules, vaping dosage is measured with puffs.

With vaporizers, all the oil gets vaporized and enters the lungs, and is then used by the body. So, with a 100mg cylinder, you get 1mg of CBD per puff. As the bioavailability factor for vapes is around 50% and the effects kick in pretty quickly, take the puffs as per your tolerance.


Vaping CBD pens may help with the symptoms of anxiety and even depression. Moreover, it may also help with other indirect causes of anxiety, such as chronic pain and stress.

There isn’t much high-quality research available involving a large sample size. Moreover, all the available studies have reported the temporary effects of CBD on anxiety disorders. So, we will need more conclusive evidence before giving a well-defined opinion on the impact of CBD on anxiety disorders.