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Hang Massive Bring The Hang To India With A Four City Tour!

The duo who met each other in India, will return for a tour and we are READY!
Urban Beat Project is bringing us the Hang Massive India Tour Event and it’s a golden chance to see the most unique groups perform in front of you! This new age percussion instrument that is played with the hands and fingers creates magical music that will leave you awed. Hurry and get your tickets here!

Credits: Urban Beat Project

Hang drum group Hang Massive will perform in India for the first time as part of their global tour in 2017.

The dates are as follows:

April 13thantiSOCIAL Mumbai
April 14thblueFROG Pune
April 15thblueFROG Bengaluru
April 20thantiSOCIAL Delhi

The Hang is a musical instrument in the idiophone class which was created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Switzerland. Their company is PANArt Hangbau AG and they strongly disregard use of the name hang drum as it is a misnomer of The Hang.

Hang Massive founders Danny Cudd and Markus Offbeat met in India in 2010 and released their music video for “Once Again” the next year. Their videos have since gone viral and viewed by millions. The duo have released two live albums “Beats for your Feet” and “As It Is”. Their first studio album was released in 2016 and called “Distant Light”.

Do not forget to be a part of their global tour and book your tickets here!