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GTA 6, top 3 cities where the game might take place!

It has been almost 3 years since the announcement of GTA 6, and the speculation keeps building up around the game. People suggest it’s going to be different than the other earlier versions so hold on tight and please don’t read further if you are one of those suspense types

These are some theories regarding the location of the game 


    It’s London Baby! Seriously though there are rumors of this game being based in London and why not? if it worked for the fast and furious people why not for Rockstar games. Surprisingly GTA already had a version based in London called GTA:1969 but it wasn’t as developed of a game that it is now. 

2] Liberty city

    Back to its motherland, GTA might be returning to its motherland ‘LIBERTY CITY‘. The place where you don’t need a map because everything is so familiar. We all know the roads of liberty city better than our Hometown, don’t we? however with this version, they will have to increase the area and give access to the areas which were restricted before like the marine compounds and the military land north of the city.


Sweet home Virginia, some fan communities believe this game might be set in Virginia where Trevor cooks his meth from in the previous version of GTA 5. As illogical as it sounds. Some parts of its mission can be based here as it is Has been interesting to do missions there. A change of view never hurts GTA isn’t all about cities and building it’s about adventure and there is a certain element of adventure in Virginia. (If you know what I mean). 

The other such location theory which prevails include areas like Washington DC, San Francisco, San Andreas, and Miami.

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