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Find Out How Lee Nelson Managed To Stage Crash Kanye’s Epic Glastonbury Performance

The comedian, who also tossed $600 at FIFA President Sepp Blatter reveals how he confidently tricked security into believing that he needed to be on stage. 

(via: Mirror)

We don’t know how he does it. Prankster Lee Nelson has somehow managed to pop in at some of the most important events and pulled off shenanigans that we know only he can pull off. In a recent interview with the Telegraph, Lee speaks in detail about how he crashed Kanye’s headlining performance at Glastonbury with persistence and confidence. The comedian says that he couldn’t help himself and how he jumped onto stage, donning a Lee-Zus tee and bringing the rapper’s performance to an embarrassing, temporary hault.  Here’s his account:

“I got turned away a couple of times from the stage. It’s never easy. There’s a sort of golden zone where you are just not meant to be. The security ups a level. One time I just got ushered away by this woman who thought I was in the wrong place.I went in to the toilets, psyched myself up, got my game face on and went for it. ‘ A guy said, ‘Where’s your ID?’ I said, ‘I’m meant to be ON STAGE, mate.’ He went, ‘Oh, sorry.’ I went up and there was the same woman who’d ushered me away moments earlier, but because I’d got through to this point and I was bouncing and had the mic she let me go on”

And then this happened..

Claiming that this was revenge for what Kanye did to Taylor Swift, Lee Nelson’s move was all over the internet and he didn’t just stop there. Him tossing stacks of cash at FIFA President Sepp Blatter definitely has people wondering where he’s going to be next. So if you’re popular, greedy or basically hated – you might want to watch out for this guy.

(H/T: Telegraph)