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‘EDM’ Awards Going Ahead, Team Up With Insomniac Events

This is going to be massive !

It’s finally here… Insomniac Events (the guys behind mega events like EDC and Wet Republic) are bring to the world of electronic music its very own ‘EDM’ Dance Music Awards, a platform to praise and recognize those who have excelled within the industry.

If the rumors are anything to go by, the awards that will be brought to life in association with the guys behind the Golden Globes (for extra pzzazzzz) will include a fully loaded super glamorous ceremony and all the jazz that goes with it!

But not too many details of the Awards are out yet, leaving loads open to our own interpretation! Which brings us to the prime question of the evening, what are the categories you would like to see at the award show?

The Sherp has a few suggestions:

1)      Best Stage Dive

2)      Best stage dance move

3)      Highest number of Stalkers

4)      Most enemies created with a single tweet or post (I think deadmau5 would top this list)

5)      Best Instagramed Crowd picture by an artist


Also, seeing that the Indian EDM community is constantly growing, which of our local starts do you think should be nominated?

This is going to be one EPIC award show, and we are seriously looking forward to some Oscar level drama.