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EDC And Bonnaroo Promote Sober Raving

These festivals initiate support systems for recovering addicts and propagate sober raving. 

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), over 20 million individuals in the US live with a substance abuse problem or an addiction to drug or alcohol. And it’s no secret that apart from the music aspect of a festival, they’re infamous for their indulgence in activities that would be downright hazardous for an addict.

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Bonnaroo, the widely-popular music festival, initiated Soberoo, a support system for such recovering addicts. These groups help others like themselves avoid temptation and stay on the wagon at festival venues. Similarly, Insomniac’s Consciousness Group provides a sober sanctuary for music fans who are straight edge, recovering, or simply feeling overwhelmed by all the stimulating sights and sounds that EDC has to offer.

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DanceSafe, a currently operating 501(c)(3) organization that helps ravers all over the country to use safely and wisely via harm reduction techniques. But several states don’t permit DanceSafe on large-scale festival sites such as Ultra and EDC because of liability risks and lawsuits. However, this organization still prevails during more underground festivals like TomorrowWorld and Electric Forest.

NY Times notes that “the presence of volunteer sober groups is spreading. Transcending genre and geography, similar support communities are expected this year at more than a dozen festivals, including Lollapalooza (July 31- Aug. 2 in Chicago), Outside Lands (Aug. 7-9 in San Francisco) and even the more youthful electronic music parties like Electric Daisy Carnival (June 19-21 in Las Vegas) and Nocturnal Wonderland (Labor Day weekend in San Bernardino, Calif.).”

(Story via: YourEDM)