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Bangalore Open Air hoping to be crowd funded this year!

Metal heads rejoice – Bangalore Open Air is (almost) back this year. We say ‘almost’ because this year the guys behind BOA are trying something new – Crowd Funding.

Bangalore Open Air has been since its humble origins, successfully satisfying the cravings of every metal head in the country with their deadly mix of some of the best international & local talent. And thanks to their undying dedication towards keeping the scene alive in India, they have garnered the interest and support of one of the world’s biggest Heavy Metal Festival – Wacken Open Air. Their stages have been graced by the likes of Iced Earth, Dark Tranquility, Kreator, Animals As Leaders, Leprous, Ihsahn, Demonic Resurrection, Devoid and many more.

The past few editions were funded by the organizers themselves with no help from corporate sponsors (as they, with their over –the-top stereotyping, believe that Metal is a bad investment). But this year they have decided to reach out to the multitude of metal fans to keep India’s only Heavy Metal Festival alive via Crowd Funding website Wishberry. They are aiming to generate Rs. 44 lakhs from contributions and so far they have successfully managed to generate Rs. 2,19,546.

The organizers have said that if they do not achieve the target amount they will have no choice but to cancel the festival. So consider this as an appeal to all the metal heads out there and fans of music in general  – go here and make your contributions towards keeping Heavy Metal in India alive.