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A Hilarious Craigslist Ad Asking to Help Get Rid of a Burning Man Free-loader

An anonymous poster sought help to get rid of a freeloader he met at the recently concluded festival

Here’s something we just came across on The Huffington Post, that gave us an acute case of the giggles. It’s been a while since the wonderful festival of self expression a.k.a Burning Man took place, and while all the desert revellers went back to their mundane day jobs, there were a few who couldn’t quite snap back to reality.

Quite like this girl named Leaf who, reportedly was being a free-loader to an anonymous poster on Craigslist.

The Ad read :

Help ! She won’t leave and can’t accept that Burning Man is over !

Please take this girl off my hands. Her name is ‘Leaf’, seemed OK out there in the desert, and she helped us with our art vehicle, “The Giant Six Pack”. She’s on the couch, still sandy and stinky. She still has goggles on her head, which I’m pretty sure she never put over her eyes. I don’t know what to do. She smoked all my weed. She has no I.D. , but is kind of cute. . . in a ‘Burning Man’ kind of way. BUT IT’S OVER, PLEASE HELP, IF YOU KNOW ‘LEAF’, EMAIL ME AND DRIVE HER TO PORTLAND OR ANYWHERE.

The post appealed to many a Burner who have had to deal with people in similar situations, which explains why the post went mental on most social media platforms.

But soon enough, most people understood that the post was quite possibly a elaborate practical joke, and that Leaf wasn’t actually anybody. The woman in the picture turned out to be a woman from New York, who was not too pleased about the post and the use of her picture, deeming it as “really horrible”.

Jokes aside, it really does bring to light common problems Burners face when it comes to housing and lending living area to Black Rock refugees. Maybe it’s time for people to start saying no?