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15 Awesome Woodstock Themed Posters You Need To See!

The Woodstock Festival of 1969 was a three-day concert (which rolled into a fourth day) that involved lots of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll – plus a lot of mud. It was a gathering of 32 bands & 400000 people who celebrated love, peace, music (and grass) – a pivotal moment in the 1960’s hippie counterculture.
This August  will mark its 45th anniversary.

1. The Official Poster from 1969

2.  The official poster for Taking Woodstock (2009).

Designer Andrew Percival of Mojo House remembers how they got back to the Summer of Love: “We immersed ourselves in that world and culture, but at the same time were very sensitive to the geographic specificity of many psychedelic artists. In the end we created an amalgam of styles.”

3. Around half a million people.

4.Perfectly encapsulating the Woodstock vibe.
  via allposter 

5. Not exactly a poster, but a cover of a book based on the festival.

6. The original Aquarius promo poster designed by the great David Edward Byrd.

7. Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.Via shoply

8. Psychedelia was THE Woodstock theme.
Via Etsy

9. The cover to the original Woodstock soundtrack

They’re still together. 🙂

10. An original Argentinian Woodstock movie poster.

11.  By Bob Masse made specially for woodstock’s 45th anniversary (this year).

12. A famous Woodstock quote by Pete Townsend from The Who

13.  The Woodstock Documentary. Starring 32 bands & 40000 beautiful people.
14. Jimi Hendrix was known for his mind-bending rendition of The Star Spangled Banner
Via allposters