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12 Hilariously Wacky Halloween Costume Ideas That You Need To Try This Year

Why be yourself when you can be anything else you want?

This Halloween, let your creativity soar, let that freak flag fly, and be as unabashedly wacky as your heart desires. Here are some weird, hilarious, punny AF costume ideas that are guaranteed to make people cringe. Isn’t that what Halloween’s all about anyway?


1. For those of you who are fans of shameless puns, here’s some Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch and Kevin Bacon.

(Image via: Andrew Huang/Twitter)


2. You could also opt for a Heisenburger, no one will judge.

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3. For all you smartasses out there, here’s a pretty easy one to do. It’s a Freudian Slip.

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4. If you’re willing to make the effort, this one is genius.



5. Dumbledora the Explorer. Enough said.

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6. Why be anything else when you can be a porta-potty?

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7. Actually, scratch that. You’d much rather be a pot head.

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8. It takes a strange bunch of people to come up with such a wonderful idea.

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9. Being creepy (read: yourself) is totally okay on Halloween. Potterheads, this one’s for you.

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10. And so is this one. If you want to dress your kid and dog up, this is exactly the way to go.

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11. Stevie Wonder Woman is perfect in every way.

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12. And the eternal classic: One Night Stand

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